Woman accused of driving while under the influence crashes after eluding deputies
A local woman, who was accused of driving while under the influence of narcotics, was arrested after she crashed when allegedly eluding deputies.
On March 1, Cherokee County Sheriff's Deputy Jaxon Thomlinson was dispatched to South 610 Road for reports of a woman who was accused of being under the influence of narcotics and causing a disturbance.
"While enroute to the call, dispatch advised she was in a dark blue Mitsubishi trying to drive the car in reverse. Deputy Kevin Cohen and I turned onto 610 Road and noticed the same vehicle pass, going southbound toward [State Highway 100]," Thomlinson said in his sheriff's report.
Thomlinson was able to catch up to the vehicle and the driver, who was identified as Summer Renee Eastham, failed to pull over, and continued to travel at 45 miles per hour. Deputies followed the vehicle with their emergency lights and sirens activated while Thomlinson gave out commands over his PA system for Eastham to pull over.
An officer with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation advised he was set up and blocking off northbound traffic at the intersection of S.H. 100 and State Highway 82.
"The vehicle turned north on Highway 82 and went up to speeds of 50 miles per hour. We approached Oklahoma Station Store, and the vehicle crossed the double yellow line going into the southbound lane while other vehicles were pulled over on to the shoulder," Thomlinson said.
The deputy said he could see Eastham making an erratic movement with her hand, which he said was consistent with someone being under the influence of narcotics.
Grand River Dam Authority Police advised they had spike strips set up on Bluebird Drive and S.H. 82.
"We continued down Park Hill Mountain and passed Park Hill Road," Thomlinson said. "I saw GRDA set up with spike strips, so I backed off of the suspect vehicle. The vehicle ran over the spike strips successfully."
Eastham continued through the roundabout and turned east on Muskogee Avenue. Thomlinson said Eastham continued driving despite the vehicle's tires being flatten by the spike strips.
"The vehicle sped up to 55 miles per hour and went into the median, passing multiple cars going through the green light at Willis Road and Muskogee Avenue. The vehicle stayed in the median while reaching speeds of 60 miles per hour," Thomlinson said.
As Eastham approached Southridge Road and Muskogee Avenue, she appeared to be going into the westbound lane. Thomlinson said vehicles were pulled over and no traffic was going through Southridge Road.
"The traffic light at Southridge Road and Muskogee Avenue turned red. A silver car then pulled off of Southridge Road, going onto Muskogee Avenue when [Eastham] collided into the side of the silver car," Thomlinson said.
The deputy exited his patrol unit and drew his service weapon, giving Eastham commands to get out of the vehicle with her hands up. Eastham exited the vehicle, got on her stomach, and was was taken into custody.
"While speaking with Eastham, she was very disoriented, and her body was making jerking movements. Eastham did not know what she was doing or where she was," Thomlinson said.
EMS personnel checked on Eastham and she reportedly refused medical treatment after the crash. Thomlinson said Eastham head-butted him in the chest.
Eastham was transported to the Cherokee County Detention Center and charged in the District Court of the Cherokee Nation with endangering others while eluding, assault and battery on a police officer, and driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of any intoxicating substance other than alcohol.
Furthermore, Eastham was convicted of third-degree burglary in December 2023 and received a 3-year deferred sentence.
A $2,500 bond was set and Eastham is slated to appear in tribal court for her initial appearance on April 1.
This is an arrest, not a conviction.