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Police Reports 7-20-23: woman found with heroin/fentanyl and cocaine

Officers responded to a doctor's office where an intoxicated woman claimed she was there to get medication.

On July 13, Tahlequah Police Lt. Bryan Qualls was informed that an intoxicated woman was at Tahlequah Medical Center. Qualls met with Jane Bailey in one of the waiting rooms where staff members said she had fallen asleep and vomited at one point. The woman denied consuming alcohol or taking drugs but she reportedly said she was at the doctor’s office to get medication. Qualls asked Bailey if she could call someone to pick her up, which she said she could. The officer said Bailey “messed” with her phone for several minutes and never called someone to come get her. Qualls had the woman step out of the waiting room and arrested her after she continued to display signs of being under the influence. Qualls searched Bailey and located a bindle in her pocket. Bailey told Qualls the bindle was heroin. Qualls found more bindles that contained paper pouches. A white power substance that tested positive for heroin/fentanyl and cocaine was on about 50 pouches. Bailey was booked on charges for public intoxication and possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute.

On July 11, Officer Bo Smith was called to an area near the Wash Barn in reference to an intoxicated man who was sleeping. The officer observed Benjamin Adair asleep in the grass, with chips and cheese dip on him. Adair awoke and began dipping his fingers in the cheese dip and licking it off. The man said he used drugs the day before, believing it was Friday when it was Tuesday. Adair was arrested for public intoxication and transported to jail for booking.

Lt. Justin Leatherwood responded to the Tahlequah Daily Press on June 18 due to a woman who was lying on the ground nearby. Sherry Desouza was unsteady on her feet and the officer noticed an empty bottle of vodka next to her. She was arrested for public drunkenness and booked on tribal charges.

On July 4, Officer Robert Jones arrived at Casey’s General Store on East Downing Street for a man who was passed out in the restroom. Jones said Brandon Holden was intoxicated and arrested him. Holden was being booked at the Tahlequah City Jail when officers found a baggie of what appeared to be methamphetamine in his pocket. Holden was booked for possession of a controlled dangerous substance and public intoxication.

Officer Ohavyah Soto conducted a traffic stop July 11 when she observed a defective brake light on a Honda Sedan. The officer asked for identification on the two occupants and could see a prescription bottle with no label in Tiffany Buckhorn’s purse. Buckhorn handed Soto the purse and the officer noticed several different pills in the bottle. Buckhorn was transported to jail and booked on tribal charges for possession of a controlled dangerous substance and possession of a controlled dangerous substance without a valid prescription.

On July 12, Lt. Elden Graves was dispatched to Trimble Avenue for a report of a man who was trespassing. Dispatch advised Kendall Kilpatrick was knocking on the window of a residence that he had been banned from. Graves found Kilpatrick standing in the yard of the residence. Kilpatrick, who claimed his name was James Dry, gave the officer a date of birth. Graves asked dispatch to run the information and check the man for warrants. Graves advised Officer Zach Adams to detain Kilpatrick for giving a false name. Kilpatrick took off running and a chase ensued. Officers deployed their Tasers and struck Kilpatrick. It was determined that Kilpatrick was wanted out of Sequoyah County. He was taken into custody and booked.

Officer Bryan Swim was assigned to investigate reports of a vandalism at an apartment complex July 14. A man said he and Heidi Lyman got into a verbal argument and he locked her out of the apartment. Lyman allegedly broke a window to the apartment with a child’s toy. Swim made contact with Lyman at Taco Bell when she admitted to breaking the window. A struggle ensued as Swim went to arrest the woman. Lyman was booked on tribal charges of vandalism/destruction of property and resisting arrest.

On July 15, Officer Stefon Herd responded to the Oak Hill Inn Suites due to a disturbance. According to the call details, the person causing the disturbance was doing so by screaming and “causing a ruckus.” Pete Lloyd Jack waved the officer over to him. Jack admitted to consuming alcohol and was advised to sober up in his room for the night. Jack went to his room but began banging on the door and walls. The property manager said he wanted Jack removed from the room for property damage. Jack was being transported to jail when he repeatedly slammed his head on Herd’s back passenger window. Jack was booked on tribal charges for public intoxication.


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