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Police Chief: Warming station open, operating during inclement weather

During a Feb. 17 chat session, Tahlequah Police Chief Nate King discussed this week's winter weather and how Tahlequah's warming station will operate.

The Tahlequah First United Methodist Church has opened its Activity Building as an emergency warming center beginning Monday, Feb. 17 at 5 p.m. King said the shelter will be open for a majority of the week and an officer will be inside at all times.

"If we're not inside, people tend to get cranky being cooped up for that long and so we see some bullying at times, some crankiness, some failure to follow rules and so we'll be there to keep everybody safe, to provide a safe environment not only for people who are seeking warmth and shelter but also for our many volunteers who have signed up," King said.

King added that seeing the community coming together during a time as such is why he's proud to be a "Quah boy" and to be from Tahlequah.

"Our community comes together each and every time there's a need and that is so inspiring to see," he said.

The warming station is located on 301 S. Delaware St. and those in need are offered hot food, cots, pillows, blankets, hot showers with towels and hygiene products provided, and community support. Doors are closed nightly at 10:30 p.m.

Cherokee County/City of Tahlequah Emergency Management Director Mike Underwood advised King Monday morning that sleet, leading into snow will arrive Tuesday, Feb. 18, and the National Weather Service of Tulsa is expecting 4-6 inches for Cherokee County. The NWS is reporting that the minimum wind chill for Tahlequah will be at least eight degrees below zero between midnight and 6 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 20.

"If you find yourself stranded or in need of a ride - urgent to get somewhere - please call us at 918-456-8801. We'll come [and] try to pick you up and get you where you need to go," King said.

This month's Traffic Tip Tuesday video touched on the Bernardo-Mills law, wherein it's required of drivers to slow down, move over for emergency and stationary vehicles. Officers Brad Baker and Ohavyah Soto cover the monthly Traffic Safety Initiative for the department.

"So far we've issued 17 warnings, written warnings and citations for that combined," King said. "Not horrible, not great because every one of the instances means somebody didn't move over for a police car with lights on [and] on the side of the road."

TPD will host its first Shield Luncheon Tuesday, Feb. 18 and King called it a "Devotional Luncheon." King added that as a born-again Christian and a pastor, he believes it's his calling to "infuse some good into the world."

"I believe that God is real, I believe Satan is real, and I believe as police officers we face Satan face-to-face, day in and day out. I think there is evil in this world and we face it and so this Shield Luncheon is to help us combat that a little bit. To be the compassionate, patient, loving people that we need to be as police officers," he said.

In other business, King said officers were involved in a pursuit Sunday, Feb. 16 and fences at the high school and airport were damaged during the chase. The suspect was taken into custody.


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