Well I guess it's just us now

Hello world on this beautiful Saturday evening! I want to introduce myself and get a little personal with you. My name is Keri Parish. When asked who is Keri Parish, don't worry, she's still trying to figure that out herself. I grew up in the town of Bristow and left after graduating in 2010. I had never moved anywhere in my life, so this was a first major life change, if you don't count puberty. My first three years in college were not the best experiences I had. I changed my major four times in that then. I could not be optimistic about the future not knowing what I wanted to do in the future. This is where things get personal, if you don't count the puberty comment. At this time in my life I was in an unhealthy relationship, I was unhappy with school and work and I began cutting just to feel some thing, some emotion, any thing. I knew changes needed to be made and slowly it took me seven months to accept that. I seeked help for my cutting and depression. While doing so, I was told to write instead of cut. Write what I was thinking, feeling, triggers, anything. At the time, I was living with my new love in our apartment and we only had basic channels. By basic, I mean we got local and some national news channels. I found myself needing to know what is going on around me 24/7. I fell in love with the news, changed my major for the fifth and final time and stopped my cutting. I was a journalism major and had no idea what the hell I was doing. I was nervous and scared I would fail. With that, anxiety was knocking on my door every damn day and night. So there I was, gone into battle with my own mind. The support I gained and the more I fought, the better it got. Today, I am cut-free, depression-free but most importantly, happy. I intern at Help-In-Crisis which I can't describe how blessed I am to be part of a group of women with so much passion in their work. I graduate from Northeastern State University in May and I am marrying my best friend later this year. As for this blog, I am calling it a night.